About this Toolbox


I am currently a sophomore at Colorado Christian University, studying Elementary Education. I have a strong desire to be a teacher at the elementary level, and impact students’ lives everyday, just as they will impact me. Ideally, those students will be fifth graders! I feel that the Lord has called me to a vocation of teaching, and has laid a passion for fifth grade students on my heart. I want to be able to reach the students that are the farthest away from the mainstream of the American education system, as well as those students who are either right on track or even exceeding grade-level expectations. Thankfully, my education at Colorado Christian University is equipping me with exactly what I will need to do just that. This toolbox is a compilation of the resources and strategies that have made a particular impact on the future teacher in me, while enrolled in Diversity and Differentiated Instruction (INT-381) and Urban School Field (EDU-316).



The class, Diversity and Differentiated Instruction, is designed to be a study of differentiated learning and instructional strategies and their application to diverse populations of students. Teacher education students identify the unique learning needs of K-12 students and apply best educational practices to differentiate instruction to increase student achievement.



The class, Urban School Practicum, is a practicum experience designed to prepare teacher candidates to work with diverse student populations in urban settings. Taken concurrently with INT 381: Diversity and Differentiated Instruction, students apply knowledge and skill gained in the university classroom to identify diverse learner needs in the K-12 urban school and to experience best practice strategies that work and differentiated instructional approaches that increase student achievement.