
Inclusion and Differentiated Instruction: Teachers in the Movies do it Too

(Differentiated Instruction in the Hollywood Classroom)

Video Summary

This video uses examples from teachers in various movies to portray the components that go into differentiation, through a series of steps and how to accurately perform those steps.

Step One: Know Your Students

Step Two: Build Community

Appreciate Various Perspectives

Empower Student Voice

Build Trust

Build Empathy and Understanding

Make a Safe Space to Express Individuality

Identify Individual Needs

Identify Individual Strengths

Step Three: Differentiate Instruction


Use Familiar Vocabulary

Prior Content Knowledge Varies

Let Students Select Content

Use Familiar Content Formats (Music as Poetry)

Use Content That Reflects Familiar/Interesting Themes

Student Interest

Relate Content to Student Interests

Demonstrate Connection

Apply Knowledge of Student Ability

Have Different Roles for Different Students

Have Roles Match Interests

Classroom Environment

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Adjust the Physical Space

Teach to Different Learning Styles and Smarts

Word Smart


Music Smart

Instructional Process

Use Games

Use a Variety of Examples and Demonstrations

Present Material in New, Interesting, and Different Ways

Step Four: Repeat Steps Two and Three

Step Five: Assessment of Learning

Use a Variety of Products

Express and Maintain High Expectations

Products Should Reflect Outcomes (analyze texts, research practices)

Step Six: Continual Learning


Classroom Showdown: Traditional vs. Differentiated

Video Summary

This video puts a traditional view on teaching head to head against a differentiated approach. It tackles all of the same issues within the same assignment, along with student reactions to both styles. This demonstration clearly shows what is lacking from a traditional classroom and the dissatisfaction from the students. The differentiated classroom shows options and several different ways to make the class more appealing to students. The more the students enjoyed what they were doing, the more they invested into the class.

In a Traditional Classroom…Student Interest is Infrequently Tapped


In a Differentiated Classroom…Students are Guided in Making Interest-Based Choices

In a Traditional Classroom…A Single Material is Provided


In a Differentiated Classroom…Multiple Materials are Provided

In a Traditional Classroom…The Teacher Solves Problems


In a Differentiated Classroom…The Students and the Teacher Solve Problems


Why I Flipped My Classroom

Video Summary

This video describes what a flipped classroom looks like. It demonstrates the ability the teacher now has to address the group of students who were falling behind and needed more remedial teaching; as well as, the group of students who were never challenged by the material. This is opposed to the past, where the teacher would simply lecture to the middle group, without time to differentiate.

90% of class time spent on delivery and review of content

10% of class time spent on application, which depends on student application outside of class

Not enough time for differentiation

Flipped Classroom

Students download the information they need prior to class

Videos allow them to pause, rewind, and rewatch as many times as they want


Students can post questions online

New seating chart allows learning levels to be grouped together; teacher is in the middle of the classroom going between the differentiated groups

Now class time consists of:

90% application of content

10% delivery of content (answer posted questions/new questions based on application)

Effective Differentiation

ALL students are engaged and challenged

Individualized time and instruction, as needed

Working between the varied groups allows for effective differentiation